Ann Marie Cody


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M Dwarf rotation from the K2 young clusters to the field. I. A Mass-Rotation Correlation at 10 Myr
G. Somers, J. Stauffer, L. Rebull, A. Cody & M. Pinnsoneault
The Gaia-ESO Survey and CSI 2264: Substructures, disks, and sequential star formation in the young open cluster NGC 2264
L. Venuti, L. Prisinzano, G. Flaccomio, R. Bonito, F. Damiani, G. Micela, M. Guarcello, S. Randich, J. Stauffer, A. Cody et al.
Multiwavelength Variability Surveys: Reaping the Stellar Harvest
A. Cody, J. R. Stauffer, L. A. Hillenbrand, L. M. Rebull & I. Song
New low-mass eclipsing binary systems in Praesepe discovered by K2
E. Gillen, L. Hillenbrand, T. David, S. Agrain, L. Rebull, J. Stauffer, A. Cody et al.
Identification of Young Stellar Variables with KELT for K2 I: Campaign 13 Taurus
J. Rodriguez, M. Ansdell, R. Oelkers, P. Cargile, E. Gaidos, A. Cody et al.
CSI 2264: Simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in pre-Main Sequence stars. I: Time resolved X-ray spectral analysis during optical dips and accretion bursts in stars with disks
M. Guarcello, E. Flaccomio, G. Micela, C. Argiroffi, S. Sciortino, L. Venuti, J. Stauffer, L. Rebull & A. Cody
Rotation of Late-type Stars in Praesepe with K2
L. Rebull, J. Stauffer, L. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, J. Bouvier, D. Soderblom, M. Pinsonneault, & L. Hebb
SPIRITS: Uncovering Unusual Infrared Transients with Spitzer
M. Kasliwal, J. Bally, F. Masci, A. Cody, et al.
A Low-mass Exoplanet Candidate Detected by K2 Transiting the Praesepe M Dwarf JS 183
J. Pepper, E. Guillen, H. Parviainen, L. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, et al.
Orbiting Clouds of Material at the Keplerian Co-rotation Radius of Rapidly Rotating Low-mass WTTs in Upper Sco
J. Stauffer, A. Collier Cameron, M. Jardine, T. David, L. Rebull, A. Cody, et al.
SPIRITS 15c and SPIRITS 14buu: Two Obscured Supernovae in the Nearby Star-Forming Galaxy IC 216
J. Jencson, M. Kasliwal, J. Johansson, C. Contreras, S. Castellón, H. Bond, A. Monson, F. Masci, A. Cody, et al.
CoRoT 223992193: Investigating the variability in a low-mass, pre-main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk
E. Gillen, S. Aigrain, C. Terquem, J. Bouvier, S. Alencar, D. Gandolfi, J. Stauffer, A. Cody, et al.
CSI 2264: Investigating rotation and its connection with disk accretion in the young open cluster NGC 2264
L. Venuti, J. Bouvier, A. Cody, et al.
A Continuum of Accretion Burst Behavior in Young Stars Observed by K2
A. Cody, L. Hillenbrand, T. David, M. Everett, S. Howell
A Transient Transit Signature Associated with the Young Star RIK-210
T. David, E. Petigura, L. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, et al.
Common Envelope ejection for a Luminous Red Nova in M101
N. Blagorodnova, R. Kotak, J. Polshaw, M. Kasliwal, Y. Cao, A. Cody, et al.
A Systematic Study of Mid-Infrared Emission from Core-Collapse Supernovae with SPIRITS
S. Tinyanont, M. Kasliwal, O. Fox, R. Lau, N. Smith, R. Williams, J. Jencson, D. Perley, D. Dykoff, R. Gehrz, J. Johansson, S. Van Dyk, F. Masci, A. Cody, et al.
Rotation in the Pleiades with K2. III. Speculations on Origins and Evolution
J. Stauffer, L. Rebull, J. Bouvier, L. Hillenbrand, A. Collier Cameron, M. Pinsonneault, S. Aigrain, D. Barrado, H. Bouy, D. Ciardi, A. Cody, et al.
Rotation in the Pleiades with K2. II. Multiperiod Stars
L. M. Rebull, J. R. Stauffer, J. Bouvier, A. Cody, et al.
Rotation in the Pleiades with K2. I. Data and First Results
L. Rebull, J. Stauffer, J. Bouvier, A. Cody, et al.
Rising from the Ashes: Mid-infrared Re-brightening of the Impostor SN 2010da in NGC 300
R. Lau, M. Kasliwal, H. Bond, N. Smith, O. Fox, R. Carlon, A. Cody, et al.
Testing The Rotation-Activity Relation With The Hyades And Praesepe
S. Douglas, M. Agüeros, K. Covey, T. Barclay, A. Cody, et al.
A Neptune-sized transiting planet closely orbiting a 5-10-million-year-old star
T. J. David, L. A. Hillenbrand, E. Petigura, J. M. Carpenter, I. J. M. Crossfield, S. Hinkley, D. R. Ciardi, A. W. Howard, A. Cody, et al.
Photo-reverberation Mapping of a Protoplanetary Accretion Disk around a T Tauri Star
H. Meng, P. Plavchan. G. Rieke, A. Cody, et al.
K2 Rotation Periods for Low-mass Hyads and the Implications for Gyrochronology
S. Douglas, M. Agüeros, K. Covey, P. Cargile, T. Barclay, A. Cody, S. Howell, T. Kopytova
New Pleiades Eclipsing Binaries and a Hyades Transiting System Identified by K2
T. David, K. Conroy, L. Hillenbrand, K. Stassun, J. Stauffer, L. Rebull, A. Cody, et al.
The Gaia-ESO Survey: A lithium-rotation connection at 5 Myr
J. Bouvier, A. Lanzafame, L. Venuti, A. Klutsch, R. Jeffries, A. Frasca, E. Moraux, K. Biazzo, S. Messina, S. Randich, J. Stauffer, A. Cody, et al.
Seeing Through the Ring: Near-infrared Photometry of V582 Mon (KH 15D)
N. Arulanantham, W. Herbst, A. Cody, et al.
CSI 2264: Characterizing Young Stars in NGC 2264 with Stochastically Varying Light Curves
J. R. Stauffer, A. Cody, et al.
CSI 2264: Accretion process in classical T Tauri stars in the young cluster NGC 2264
A. Sousa, S. Alencar, J. Bouvier, J. R. Stauffer, L. Venuti, L. A. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, et al.
Mid-infrared Variability and Accretion in NGC 2264 Protostars,
S. Terebey, A. Cody, L. Rebull, J. Stauffer
K2 Discovery of Young Eclipsing Binaries in Upper Scorpius: Direct Mass and Radius Determinations for the Lowest Mass $
T. J. David, L. A. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, J. M. Carpenter & A. Howard
YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability in NGC 1333
L. M. Rebull, J. R. Stauffer, A. Cody, et al.
HII 2407: An Eclipsing Binary Revealed By K2 Observations of the Pleiades
T. J. David, J. R. Stauffer, L. A. Hillenbrand, A. Cody, et al.
YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability Among YSOs in the Star Formation Region GGD12-15
S. J. Wolk, H. M. Günther, K. Poppenhaeger, A. Cody, et al.
YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability of Young Stellar Objects and Their Disks in the Cluster IRAS 20050+2720
K. Poppenhaeger, A. Cody, et al.
UV variability and accretion dynamics in the young open cluster NGC 2264
L. Venuti, J. Bouvier, J. Irwin, J. R. Stauffer, L. A. Hillenbrand, L. M. Rebull, A. Cody, et al.
The Mass-Radius Relation of Young Stars. I. USco 5, an M4.5 Eclipsing Binary in Upper Scorpius Observed by K2
A. L. Kraus, A. Cody, et al.
CSI 2264: Probing the inner disks of AA Tauri-like systems in NGC 2264
P. T. McGinnis, et al.
CSI 2264: Characterizing Young Stars in NGC 2264 with Narrow, Periodic Flux Dips in Their Light Curves
J. R. Stauffer, A. Cody, et al.
Simulated performance of timescale metrics for aperiodic light curves
K. Findeisen, A. Cody & L. A. Hillenbrand
The many facets of young star variability
A. Cody, ed. Bo Reipurth
A Pulsation search among young brown dwarfs and very-low-mass stars
A. Cody & L. A. Hillenbrand
YSOVAR: Mid-IR variability in the star forming region Lynds 1688
H. M. Günther, A. Cody, et al.
Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR): Long Timescale Variations in the Mid-Infrared
L. Rebull, A. Cody, et al.
Mapping accretion and its variability in the young open cluster NGC 2264: a study based on u-band photometry
L. Venuti, J. Bouvier, E. Flaccomio, S. H. P. Alencar, J. Irwin, J. R. Stauffer, A. Cody, P. S. Teixeira, A. P. Sousa, G. Micela, J.-C. Cuillandre & G. Peres
CSI 2264: Characterizing accretion-burst dominated light curves for young stars in NGC 2264
J. Stauffer, A. Cody & the CSI 2264 team
CSI 2264: Simultaneous optical and infrared light curves of young disk-bearing stars in NGC 2264 with CoRoT and Spitzer- Evidence for multiple origins of variability
A. Cody, J. Stauffer & the CSI 2264 team
CoRoT 22393193: A new, low-mass, pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk
E. Gillen, S. Aigrain A. McQuillan, J. Bouvier, S. Hodgkin, S.H.P. Alencar, C. Terquem, J. Southworth, N. Gibson, A. Cody, M. Lendl, M. Morales-Calderon, F. Favata, J. Stauffer, G. Micela
New Uses for the Kepler Telescope: A Survey of the Ecliptic Plane For Transiting Planets and Star Formation, a white paper for two-wheel science opportunities with Kepler
C. Beichmann, D. Ciardi, R. Akeson, P. Plavchan, S. Howell, J. Christiansen, S. Kane, A. Cody, J. Stauffer, G. Vasisht, K. Covey
Precise high-cadence time series observations of five variable young stars in Auriga with MOST
A. Cody, J. Tayar, L. A. Hillenbrand
A multiwavelength view of star-disk interaction in NGC 2264
A. Cody, J. Stauffer, G. Micela, A. Baglin & the CSI 2264 team
A search for pulsation in young brown dwarfs and very low mass stars
A. Cody
Young brown dwarfs at high cadence: Warm Spitzer time series monitoring of very low mass σ Orionis cluster members
A. Cody, L. A. Hillenbrand
Precision photometric monitoring of very low mass σ Orionis cluster members: variability and rotation at a few Myr
A. Cody, L. A. Hillenbrand
Pulsation Powered by Deuterium Burning in Brown Dwarfs and Very-Low-Mass Stars 2009, in Stellar pulsation: Challenges for theory and observation: Proceedings of the International Conference
A. Cody
Velocity dispersion measurements of dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster – implications for the structure of the fundamental plane
A. Cody, D. Carter, T. Bridges, B. Mobasher & B. Poggianti
Fundamental Properties of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs, 2009, in Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun
M. Liu et al.
A Search for Pulsation in Very Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs, 2007, in Unsolved Problems in Stellar Astrophysics
A. Cody
Chemical Composition in the Globular Cluster M71 from Keck HIRES Spectra of Turnoff Stars
A. Boesgaard, J. King, A. Cody, A. Stephens, & C. Deliyannis
Stellar Evolution with Enriched Surface Convection Zones. I. General Effects of Planet Consumption
A. Cody & D. Sasselov
WSRT Observations of the High-Redshift Galaxy B20902+34
A. Cody & R. Braun
HD 209458: Physical Parameters of the Parent Star and the Transiting Planet
A. Cody & D. Sasselov