Ann Marie Cody


Curriculum Vitae   black box

PhD, Astronomy, California Institute of Technology 2011
MA, Astronomy, California Institute of Technology 2007
MPhil, Physics, University of Cambridge 2004
AM, Astronomy, Harvard University 2003
AB, magna cum laude with highest honors in Astronomy, Harvard University 2003
Research Positions

NASA K2 Mission Research Support Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center. Production and dissemination of high level photometric data products for the K2 Mission.
supervisor: Dr. Geert Barentsen
NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) fellow, NASA Ames Research Center. Production of photometry for the K2 mission and analysis of variability in nearby young star clusters
advisor: Dr. Steve Howell
Postdoc, IPAC/Caltech. The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264: High precision multi-wavelength photometry of variable young stars and brown dwarfs
advisor: Dr. John Stauffer
PhD thesis, Caltech. Investigation of the properties of young brown dwarfs and low-mass stars using precision time-series photometry and spectroscopic follow-up
advisor: Prof. Lynne Hillenbrand
Research on the structure of ice and gas giant planets, Caltech GPS Department
advisor: Prof. David Stevenson
MPhil student and Churchill Scholar at the University of Cambridge Institute of Astronomy; asteroseismology of stars with metal-rich convection zones
advisor: Prof. Douglas Gough
Anglo-Australian Observatory summer student; analysis of dwarf galaxy spectra
advisor: Dr. Terry Bridges
Summer student, ASTRON, Dwingeloo Netherlands; analysis of interferometric radio data on high-redshift galaxies
advisor: Dr. Robert Braun
NSF REU summer student, University of Hawaii; measurement of stellar abundances in globular clusters from high-resolution spectra
advisor: Prof. Anne Boesgaard
Undergraduate researcher at Harvard University: Investigation of x-ray sources in globular clusters and theoretical models of stars with planets
advisors: Prof. Jonathan Grindlay, Prof. Dimitar Sasselov
Academic Honors & Awards

Best poster award, Cool Stars XVIII meeting (2014)
Rodger Doxsey Travel Prize for a dissertation talk at the winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society (2011)
Best poster award, Cool Stars XV meeting (2008, 2014)
Philanthropic Education Organization Scholar Award: $10,000 research grant (2007-8)
Virginia Gilloon Fellowship, Caltech (2004-5)
Captain Jonathan Fay Prize for "the most outstanding imaginative work or piece of research [by a Harvard undergraduate] in any field" (2004)
Thomas T. Hoopes Prize for outstanding undergraduate thesis research (2004)
Winston Churchill Foundation Scholarship for one year of study at the University of Cambridge, UK (2003-4)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, honorable mention (2003)
Leo Goldberg prize for best senior thesis in the Harvard Astronomy Department (2003)
John Harvard Scholarship for academic achievement (1999-2000; 2002-3)
Leo Goldberg prize for best junior thesis in the Harvard Astronomy Department (2001)
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (2001)
Telescope Time Awarded

CHARA Array (CLIMB), 1.6 nights PI
Gemini South Telescope (DSSI), 30 hours PI
NASA Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC), 33 hours (p12113) PI
NASA Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC), 10 hours (p10172) PI
NASA K2 (Kepler Telescope), Campaign 4 (14-K2GO1_2-0032), 9, and 13 PI, co-I
NASA Hubble Space Telescope (WFC3), 35 orbits (GO-11610) PI
NASA Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC), 24 hours (p60169) PI
NASA Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC), 35 hours (p90154, p90098) co-I
Microvariability and Oscillation of Stars ("MOST") telescope, 25 days co-I*
Gemini South telescope (DSSI), 30 hours co-I*
Keck 10m telescopes (HIRES, NIRSPEC, DEIMOS), 11 nights co-I*
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope network, 24.75 days co-I*
Palomar 200" telescope (DBSP, LFC), 13 nights PI
Palomar robotic 60" telescope, 59 half-nights PI
CTIO 1.0m telescope, 36 nights PI
NOAO/WIYN telescope (HYDRA), 6 nights PI, co-I

      *I prepared these proposals but the PI was required to be a faculty member.
Professional Affiliations and Service

Member, American Astronomical Society
Past member, graduate admissions committee, Caltech astronomy department
Referee, Astrophysical Journal
Referee, Astronomy & Astrophysics
Scientific reviewer, NASA K2 Guest Observer Program and NASA Exoplanet Research Program
Scientific reviewer, Spitzer Space Telescope observing program
Conference organizer, Dwarf Stars and Clusters with K2 workshop
Co-founder, Caltech astronomy career discussion forum
Participant, Caltech and IPAC astronomy outreach groups
Teaching Experience

Mentor to two NASA student interns 2015-present
Co-mentor with T. Barclay for a NASA Academy summer student 2015
Co-mentor with L. Hillenbrand for two undergraduate summer research students 2009-10
Gave three lectures for Caltech astronomy course Ay 218, Precision Photometry 2009
Teaching assistant for Caltech astronomy course Ay 1
Gave two lectures in Ay 101
Teaching assistant for Caltech astronomy courses Ay 101, Physics of Stars (undergrad);
Ay 1
Gave three lectures in Ay 101
Teaching assistant for Caltech courses Astronomy 123, Structure & Evolution of Stars (graduate); Ay 105, Optical Astronomy Instrumentation Lab (advanced undergrad); Ay 1, The Evolving Universe (undergrad) 2005-6
Mathematics tutor at the high school, SAT, and college levels 1997-2002
Conference Presentations & Talks

  • Poster presentation, "K2 Peers into the Lagoon" K2 Science Conference, Moffett Field CA, June 2017
  • NASA astronomy seminar, "K2'S Young Suns: Stellar Rotation in Open Clusters" NASA Ames Research Center, April 2017
  • Workshop presentation, "GPI and TESS Synergies" GPI team workshop, Stanford University, March 2017
  • Contributed talk, "The Youngest Planets and their Host Stars" Bay Area Exoplanet Meeting, Moffett Field CA, March 2017
  • Conference talk, "Dipper Star Demographics" Leiden, Netherlands, September 2016
  • Invited colloquium, "The Youngest Planets and their Host Stars" SETI talk series, Mountain View CA, Sep 2016
  • Conference talk, "K2 Observations of Open Clusters" Cool Stars XIX, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2016
  • Seminar, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: How the Kepler Space Telescope is Revealing the Birthplace of Planets" Ames Early Career forum, Moffett Field CA, January 2016
  • Invited talk, "K2 Observations of Young Star Clusters" K2 Science Conference, Santa Barbara CA, November 2015
  • Invited talk, "Multiwavelength Variability Surveys: Reaping the Stellar Harvest" Analysis and Systems (ADASS) XXV, Sydney Australia, October 2015
  • Invited colloquium, "The Youngest Planets and their Host Star" Australia National University, Canberra, Australia October 2015
  • Invited colloquium, "The Youngest Planets and their Host Star" University of Western Washington, Bellingham WA, October 2015
  • Invited talk, "Flickering Young Stars: Clues to Star and Planet Formation" IAU 314: Young Stars and Planets Near the Sun, Atlanta GA, May 2015
  • Contributed talk, "Flickering Young Stars: Clues to Star and Planet Formation" Star and Planet Formation in the Southwest I conference, Tucson, AZ, March 2015
  • Department seminar, "Flickering Young Stars: Clues to Star and Planet Formation," Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences Division, November 2014
  • Contributed talk, "Dynamic Young Stars and their Disks: a Temporal View with CoRoT and Spitzer," The Space Photometry Revolution, Toulouse France, July 2014
  • Contributed talk, "Photometric Manifestations of Accretion," Cool Stars XVIII, Flagstaff, June 2014
  • Poster presentation, "The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264," Cool Stars XVIII, Flagstaff, June 2014
  • Invited colloquium, "Dynamic Young Stars and their Disks: a Temporal View" University of Hawaii at Manoa, March 2014
  • Invited talk, "Spitzer and Variable Young Stars: Shining a Spotlight on Circumstellar Disks," AAS meeting, Washington D.C., Jan. 2014
  • Contributed talk, "YSOVAR: Probing mid-infrared Variability in Orion and Beyond," Orion Nebula Cluster as a Paradigm of Star Formation, Workshop, Baltimore MD, October 2013
  • Invited talk, "Spitzer and the Variable Young Stars: Shining a Spotlight on Circumstellar Disks, " 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Spitzer Space Telescope, Pasadena, September 2013
  • Contributed talk, "CSI 2264: The Hard Evidence on Wild Young Stars," Greater IPAC Science Symposium, Pasadena, May 2013
  • Department seminar, "Dynamic Young Stars and their Disks: A Temporal View," UC Boulder, February 2013
  • Invited colloquium, "Dynamic Young Stars and their Disks: A Temporal View," UC Santa Cruz Astronomy Colloqium, February 2013
  • Contributed talk, "The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264," Cool Stars 17 conference, Barcelona Spain, July 2012
  • Invited talk, "The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264," Spitzer Users Panel, May 2012
  • Invited talk, "A temporal view of young stars," Caltech Time Domain Forum, March 2012
  • Contributed talk, "A high precision, high cadence view of photometric variability in young stars," Greater IPAC Science Symposium, Pasadena, March 2012
  • Invited colloquium, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: High-precision Photometry Sheds Light On Young Stars and Brown Dwarfs", California State University, LA, March 2012
  • Contributed talk [thesis], "The Search For Pulsation In Young Low-mass Stars And Brown Dwarfs: A High-precision Photometric Census Of Variability At 3-5 Myr," AAS meeting, Seattle, Jan. 2011
  • Poster presentation, "High-cadence photometric monitoring from the ground and space: shedding new light on young stars," Cool Stars XVI, Seattle, Aug. 2010
  • Contributed talk, "Precision Photometric Monitoring of Young Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: Shedding Light on Rotation, Pulsation, and the Star-disk Connection," AAS meeting, Washington D.C., Jan. 2010
  • Department seminars, "Precision photometric monitoring of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs: shedding light on rotation, pulsation, and the star-disk connection," Star & planet formation seminars at ESO Garching; Max Planck Institute Heidelberg; ISDC Geneva; ETH Zurich, Sept. 2009
  • Invited talk, "A search for pulsation in young brown dwarfs and low-mass stars," ESA-CONSTELLATION workshop on the formation of brown dwarfs, Noordwijk Netherlands, Sept. 2009
  • Poster presentation, "Low-amplitude Variability in Very-low-mass Sigma Orionis Cluster Members: Variability and Rotation at 3 Myr ," AAS meeting, Pasadena, June 2009
  • Contributed talk, "Pulsation powered by deuterium burning in brown dwarfs and very-low-mass stars," Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation conference, Santa Fe, May 2009
  • Poster presentation, "A Search for Pulsation in Young Brown Dwarfs," AAS meeting, Jan. 2009
  • Poster presentation, "Pulsation in Young Brown Dwarfs: Constraints on Very Low Mass Cluster Members ," Ages of Stars conference, Baltimore, Sept. 2008
  • Contributed talk, "Searching for Pulsation in Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars ," Cool Stars XV, St. Andrews Scotland, July 2008
  • Contributed talk, "The Search for Pulsating Young Brown Dwarfs with P60", Palomar Science Meeting, Caltech, June 2008
  • Contributed talk, "Searching for pulsation in very low mass stars and brown dwarfs ," Unsolved Problems in Stellar Physics conference, Cambridge UK, July 2007
  • Contributed talk, "Pulsations in Young Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars," 24th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Jan. 2007
  • Poster presentation, "Constraints on the Moment of Inertia of Jupiter via Interior Models," 2006 Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, Pasadena, CA (A. Cody & D. Stevenson)
  • Poster presentation, "Constraining the Gravitational Energies of Uranus and Neptune from Interior Models: Implications for Formation," 2005 Division of Planetary Sciences meeting, Cambridge, UK (A. Cody & D. Stevenson)
  • Invited talk, "Constraining the origin of high metallicity in planet host stars," Infrared Processing and Analysis Center seminar, Pasadena, CA, April 2005
  • Contributed talk, "Constraining the origin of high metallicity in planet host stars," From Disks to Planets conference, Pasadena, CA, March 2005
  • Contributed talk, "Seismology of Stars with Polluted Convection Zones," CoRoT Workshop on Close-in Exoplanets: the star-planet connection, Orsay, France, May 2004
  • Poster presentation, "Seismic Signatures of Pollution in Stellar Convection Zones," UK National Astronomy Meeting, Milton Keynes, UK, April 2004 (A. Cody)
  • Invited talk, "Polluted Stellar Evolution: Implications for Planet Accretion," University of Melbourne Astrophysics Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 2003
  • Poster presentation, "Self-Consistent Polluted Stellar Evolution Models," Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets conference, Washington, D.C., June 2002 (A. Cody)
  • Poster presentation, "The Chemical Composition of the Globular Cluster M71 from Keck/HIRES Spectra of Turn-Off Stars," 197th American Astronomy Society meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2002 (A. Boesgaard, A. Cody, C. Deliyannis & J. King)
  • Poster Presentation, "Physical Parameters of the Parent Star and its Transiting Planet HD209458b," 24th meeting of the International Astronomical Union, Manchester UK, Aug. 2000 (D. Sasselov & A. Cody)